Sunday, April 8, 2012

Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi (review by nekochan)

Japanese: コイバナ! 恋せよ花火
English: Love Story! Fall in love, Hanabi

Have you experienced or currently experiencing loving someone who's already in a relationship? *ouch!* If yes, you might like this manga. Also, for those who haven't experienced it, you might learn something from this. :P The main protagonist is a man-hater. XD It's funny why she's disgusted of them. XD

nekoRATING : 4/5

Status: COMPLETED 10 volumes

English translated version: ONGOING (volume 04 chapter 20, as of today)

Released: 2007
Artist/Author: Nanaji Nagamu
Genre: Comedy*balanced*, Romance*nods*, School Life*nods*, Shoujo*nods*

Main characters: Hanabi Marui and Uno Chikai

Nekochan's review starts now...

For the female lead, Hanabi Marui...
A man-hater, basically because of how gross they look in her eyes. She adores girls' beauty. No, she's not a lesbian. XD

For the male lead, Uno Chikai...
The narcissistic, already-taken popular guy. XD Who gets frustrated knowing someone can't be charmed by his beauty. o.O He's some kind of a bully, in a different way though. :P 

The storyline/story:
Love progress is not fast for Hanabi, most especially for Chikai. They really passed the stage of denial and confusion. It's not love at first sight. I find it nice since, I guess, most of the world's population don't experience (true)love at first sight that most of the manga characters experience. Saying that, isn't this couple realistic?
*Their 1st encounter was short but nice! <- not the usual scenario.

The title:
If I were to change the title, it will be Koibana! Koiseyo Chikai / Love Story! Fall in love, Chikai XD Well, it's because the story is not like making Hanabi fall for a guy (like, Tachibana Mei of Sukitte Ii na yo) But, if the title's like that, Chikai has to be the main protagonist, right? XD

The Art:
It's nice. ♥ But, Chikai's expression seldom changes. XD I find it funny XD

What's in this manga common in other mangas I've read(so far, I've read 22 mangas):
Popular male lead. (the popularity's not over the top though. :P)

What made an impression on me:
The chubby girl character. <-Simply because it's unusual. XD
How irritating Hanabi can be with her hates. @.@
Nanpa and Kuuchan talk! o.O <- I'm preventing myself to actually spoil a lot. You'll discover who is Nanpa as soon as you start reading.

What else?
Their love story is realistic. That's why I love this manga. 

☆ Buy Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi manga (in Japanese language) at  
Just click the '' button below each volume. 
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THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ


  1. Thanks for it! If I could read japanese, I would buy it all. Wait for scanlators is a hard task, they aren't even paid for it =P

    About the manga, well, I don't think it's so realistic, but it's pretty nice =D

    1. I think the love triangle is realistic. :)

      Thank you for reading and commenting! :D

  2. Will there be this manga also in english?
    I search on the whole i-net but only find the books in french... -.-'

  3. Will there be this manga also in english?
    I search on the whole i-net but only find it in french.... -.-


Thank you for reading and commenting! ;)